When you are bored and require someone to take care of you, make sure you are in company of your partner. Tantra Massage in Sydney doesn’t need to you to be excellent in it. All it takes to be perfect is understand the feeling and going with the flow. You will be requiring fragranced lotion or essential oil, clean bed sheet, dim light and soft ambience sound. Thus, you can see there is no need of expensive things.
How to perform tantra massage
You need to know long strokes, circular strokes and short deep strokes. These all will help you to get what you want to achieve. Let it be a surprise for your partner and wait until he or she gets back home. You can also lit scented candles and arrange the bed with petals. Your partner will definitely love it when he or she gets this kind of surprise. Make the environment comfortable for your partner. You can even arrange for a warm bath before starting massaging.
Let your partner lay down on the bed and let him/her relax for some moment. Start by spreading scented on your partner’s back. Make sure he/ she is comfortable in the position or undertake some shifts until she / he is resting easily. Begin with long stretches of kneading on the back. The stretch should cover right from the neck to the tailbone. Cover the entire area. This is unmistakably the best feeling that you can offer to your partner. Then approach further with shorter strokes and press on the skin. The pressure should not be so deep that it hurts but deep enough to release any aches.
Tantra Massage when practised in your Sydney apartment will not just enhance the relations but will also offer greater health when practised over long stretch of time.